It has been 17 years since I studied with Geno Ortiz L.M.T. at his excellent center for massage and anatomical education.
Geno is a Master in sharing and transferring his knowledge, skill and
professional massage experience to the students lucky enough to study
with him. I know of no other massage instructor who can match his expertise, as well as his "World class" hands on massage techniques.
I am treating patients with Geno's superior "Medical Massage
Techniques", my patients achieve fantastic results. Geno's many years
working side by side with surgeons, doctors, and chiropractors
give evidence to his superior skills, not only as a Medical Massage
Therapist, but also as an instructor in all aspects of true Massage Therapy.
My advice to potential massage students:
"Don't pay excessive get less"
"Pay less tuitions...and get way more from the best
instructor on the Big Island".
Geno's tuitions have always been the most affordable.
Dr. Tom "Chakraman" Sherman PhD.